Maderotherapy is a type of massage that uses special wooden tools to help reduce cellulite.
At our salon, we'll create a personalized treatment plan just for you and help you set achievable goals. By regularly getting treatments, drinking more water, eating healthy foods and exercising, you can achieve amazing results!
What areas of the body respond best to maderotherapy?
This type of massage works best on areas like the hips, thighs, stomach, love handles, upper arms, and buttocks. It's recommended that you have the treatment all over your body for better lymphatic drainage, improved blood circulation, and better skin tone and elasticity. As a bonus, maderotherapy can also help relieve stress and relax tight muscles.
How often?
For best results, we suggest having the treatment every day or every other day. A package of 10 treatments followed by maintenance is usually sufficient, but for more severe cases, several packages may be necessary to reach your desired goal.
When can I expect the first results?
Most changes are visible after 4 to 5 treatments. The first long-lasting results will probably require 3-4 sessions. Probably 10-15 sessions are needed for a result. Repeated cases of cellulite require multiple series. Even if cellulite is successfully treated, it may recur over time, so we recommend repeating the treatments off and on.
When should I start with the package?
We recommend starting the treatment 4 of 5 days after your period, so that you can complete the course before your next period starts. Maderotherapy is not recommended during menstruation.
How long do the results of maderotherapy last?
Many report reports that persist for several months after the last treatment. However, it is necessary to follow maintenance treatments to maintain the results obtained. The more consistent you are with the treatment, the better the results and the longer they will last.
Is madero therapy painful?
Although the first few treatments may be painful, your body will get used to it. If you're sensitive, we recommend starting with treatments every other day and gradually increasing to every day. While some minor marks or stains may occur, large blue areas or bruises should not be visible.
Are there side effects to maderotherapy?
There may be some side effects, such as headaches or dizziness after the treatment, but it dissapear quickly. However, these are normal side effects of a treatment since the body has to deal with waste products and the results of physical manipulation of the muscles.
Who shouldn't have maderotherapy?
You should consult your physician before beginning maderotherapy if you have any medical conditions.
Maderotherapy is contraindicated for individuals with rashes, cuts, open wounds, undiagnosed lumps in the massage area, a fever, infection, pregnancy, recent surgery, specific cardiovascular conditions, or diabetes. A person on blood thinners is more likely to bruise. Additionally, Maderotherapy must not be performed on those who are receiving carcinogenic treatments, have kidney diseases, advanced varicose veins, have an allergy to wood, or have any type of skin burns.
How to maintain results of maderotherapy at home?
After your treatment, it's important to maintain your results at home by eating a healthy diet with adequate calories, drinking plenty of water, exercising, and using body cream to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. With consistent efforts, you'll be able to maintain the amazing results of maderotherapy!
Maderotherapy really helped clear up my cellulite. It also does a great job relaxing me. I try to go once a month for a maderotherapy prague session. The treatments help my skin look better and help me unwind.